Tuesday, 10 May 2011

May's Sketch Challenge

This is the sketch for this months Sketch Challenge, below is a layout using this sketch at the official Pagemaps website.
The one below here is mine interpretation of the sketch. I'm pretty certain you recognise the person in the photos and the colours just had to be PINK.

I will be bringing the layout with me, the colours look better in real life.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Group Shots

 I am so sorry for the terrible photos but someone left the camera on the wrong setting and the official Scrapbuddies photographer was looking after her Grandson. So lets hope she makes the next crop.

Here's FairyKaren doing her Stan Laurel impersonation!

Whose Messy Desk is this!

No clues to who this belongs too.

Sheila's class

 This is Sheila's class, lots of cutting out on this one.
Saskia actually finished her layout with gems and embellishments but I forgot to take a photo of the finished layout.

Rachel's layouts

 Some layouts that Rachel was creating. Do you have a layout you're really proud of, we would love to see it and I will be happy to photo it for the blog too.