Thursday, 24 December 2009


There was a prize for anyone wearing a hat from the Car Park.

Whoops looks like I was in trouble again, I think Nanette is telling me off.

Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year

see you on 17th January.

Christmas Games

One of the games we played were the best dressed Snowman, almost everyone joined in and thanks Sophie who popped over to the garage to get some smarties and jelly tots, they just wouldn't look so fab if you hadn't.

Some were just downright scary!

And the winner was the Cowboy Snowman, such a shame to eat it.
Eyes down for Papercraft Bingo.
I forgot to take photos of the secret santa, possibly because I was laughing so much at Fairy Karen who was hovering over the pressie table, frightening anyone who went near her choice of pressie.

Christmas Mystery Kit

Christmas Fairy

So last year's Elf has turned into a Christmas Fairy.
The Christmas Fairy brought with her this yummy Gingerbread House which nobody wanted to be the first to eat into.
Thank you everyone for the lovely plates of food, we had just the right balance of savoury and sweet.

So what did Janet do at the crop, she spent most of the time cricut-ting holly for every one.