Hi Everyone.
We had our first crop of the Year Yesterday.
I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. We had a few new faces.
I think alot of catching up and a bit of scrapping was the order of the day!!!
Woke up this morning to 14 inches of snow and it is still coming down.
The photos above show how deep it is.
We have a looney cocker spaniel, I know he hasn't got the longest legs in the world however he was up to his shoulders.
We are trying to help the poor birds with food.
Vic -my husband- got the metal table we use in the garden and an old tray, we pilled it up with food for them. The blackbirds, robbins, tits and sparrows have found it.
No one is going to work today so hopefully I will get a bit of scrapping done........ who am I kidding!!!
Hope you all stay safe